<B>This stationery page contains a JavaScript Banner Example</B>
Please note that JavaScript is currently only available in Netscape Navigator 2.0 or higher. <BR>
<FONT COLOR="931B15">Do not assume that all in your audience are using a JavaScript enabled browser.</FONT>
<CENTER><FORM NAME="timerForm" onSubmit="0">
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="timerField" SIZE=45 VALUE ="">
<B>How to use:</B>
Copy all JavaScript (located in the Head section of this file) to another file. You can also use this file as a stationery.
Use the following Body tag <CODE><BODY onLoad="startclock()"></CODE> to start the timer that is used for updating the field with new messages.
Use something like this inside the Body part of your page to display the banner.
<XMP><FORM NAME="timerForm" onSubmit="0">
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="timerField" SIZE=45 VALUE ="">
Adjust the size of the text field in the attribute named <CODE>SIZE=40</CODE>, remember to add some extra space or test it in different browsers to make sure the longest of your messages is fully visible.
Another way of displaying different messages is to use animated GIF-images. This will give you more graphical control of the display and can even be used to create simple movies. Use an application such as GIFBuilder to create animated GIF-images.